Dr Yuli Shan 单钰理

Dr Yuli Shan 单钰理

Yuli Shan 单钰理
Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Transitions
Dr Yuli Shan, PhD, FRGS
is an Associate Professor in Sustainable Transitions at the School of Geography, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham (UoB). Before joining UoB, he worked at the University of Groningen as a research fellow. He got a doctoral degree from the University of East Anglia (2018) and a master’s degree from Fudan University (2014).
Professional experience
Yuli is a Global Highly Cited Researcher and the World's Top 2% Scientist (career and single year) since 2020. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, an IPCC contributing author, an ISIE Sustainable Urban System Board member, and an overseas board member of China's National Association of Input-Output and Big Data. He is an Associate Editor or Editorial Board Member of several journals including Scientific Data, Advances in Applied Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, etc.
Yuli’s research focuses on accounting for carbon emissions, climate change economics, and sustainable development, with a special focus on developing countries and cities. He has published over 180 papers in high-impact journals, including 25+ in Nature and Science entitled journals. His papers have been cited over 18,000 times (H-index 61), and 30 of them are ESI highly cited papers and 19 are hot papers.
Yuli is organizing various educational initiatives on sustainability and climate change. For more details, please visit his homepage at UoB. Yuli is conducting various education deliveries around sustainability and climate change. See his homepage at UoB for more details.
Yuli has co-built an open emission dataset (CEADs) to provide the most up-to-date regional emission and energy data for emerging countries and subnational regions.
Yuli has won a dozen academic prizes including the University of Birmingham Founders' Awards (2023), the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed PhD Students Abroad (2016), and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Green Talents Award (2018). Yuli has been interviewed by renowned media outlets and invited to present his research at international conferences.